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Degree Committee for the Faculty of Physics & Chemistry


Where to submit

You should submit your thesis, with any other items specified on the Cambridge Students website, to Moodle, as instructed by the Degree Committee office when we acknowledged your 'Intention to Submit' form.

Coronavirus - for guidance on special arrangements for submission and Research Impact Statements please see here.



You should submit your thesis no later than 11.59pm (23.59) on the day of your submission deadline. You are normally allowed up to 4 years from the time of your admission to complete the PhD (excluding any periods of approved intermission), i.e. the normal end dates are:

start date

4-year submission deadline

Michaelmas Term (October)            30 September in year 4
Lent Term (January) 4 January in year 4
Easter Term (April)

9 or 17 April in year 4

The duration of your funding does not have any effect on your University submission deadline unless you are on a CDT course with a separate masters degree (MRes/MPhil) in the first year.


Why the 4-year rule matters

  • the government collects data on the numbers of students who submit within 4 years. Departments falling below the 70% threshold can lose their studentship funding from Research Councils - this can damage the chances of future students wishing to study here;
  • students holding a student visa must complete within the time allowed by their visa.


Help! I'm not going to submit on time


Student Status

After you submit your thesis but before you receive your examination outcome you are under examination. University working restrictions do not apply to you at this stage although students holding a study visa are still expected to comply with the working conditions laid down by UK Visas and Immigration at all stages (see Working on a student visa). Should you take up employment or an internship during this time please ensure you are available for viva in a timely fashion. The viva is normally be held within 6-8 weeks of submission.

If you can't find the page you are looking for or find a broken link do let us know (please use the email link in the 'Contact us' section below).

Office closures

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Physics & Chemistry will be closed from 1.00pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024 and will reopen again on Thursday 2 January 2025.
Research degree theses should still be submitted by your submission deadline even if that falls over the holiday period.