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Degree Committee for the Faculty of Physics & Chemistry


Am I entitled to payment?

Whether the Student Registry will pay a fee or expenses for your work, and how much you will receive, will depend on:


Examiner or Assessor?

  • The External Examiner (i.e. the person appointed to oversee the whole examination and report to the Vice Chancellor) is paid a fee at the end of the year on receipt of their report, and may claim allowable expenses. The completed claim form and accompanying receipts should be sent to the Degree Committee office. Please submit a completed claim form, even if you do not have expenses, otherwise we cannot pay the fee.
  • Examiners are normally internal and normally University Officers so do not receive any fee. Examiners whose employment status makes them eligible may claim a fee (see below).
  • Assessors whose employment status makes them eligible may claim a fee (see below). Assessors external to the University should ask the course administrator/Senior Examiner about claiming travel costs.


Your employment status

If you are a University Officer you cannot claim a fee for examining/assessing work for the MRes, MPhil (taught) or probationary review. The following positions are not eligible for the fee:

  • Professors / Readers (except honorary) 
  • University Associate Professors / University Senior Lecturers
  • University Assistant Professors / University Lecturers
  • Assistant Directors of Research
  • Senior Assistants in Research
  • Clinical Lecturer
  • Director/Assistant Director (e.g. of an Institute within the University)

College Teaching Officers, Research Associates, Associate Lecturers who receive no stipend from the University, and others who are not employed by the University in the way described above can claim a fee for these examinations.


Submitting a claim

Please use the claim form for examiners of taught postgraduate courses and read the additional information about fees and expenses, both of which are available UoC_PGR Info - Home ( on the Forms and Template page.

Completed forms should be sent to the MPhil course administrator/Senior Examiner who will calculate the appropriate fee and pass to the Degree Committee to arrange payment. Electronic copies of the claim form and receipts are acceptable. Payments are authorised by the Degree Committee but made by Student Registry; in busy periods payment can take up to 12 weeks.

If you can't find the page you are looking for or find a broken link do let us know (please use the email link in the 'Contact us' section below).

Office closures

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Physics & Chemistry will be closed from 1.00pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024 and will reopen again on Thursday 2 January 2025.
Research degree theses should still be submitted by your submission deadline even if that falls over the holiday period.